
来源:光明日报   日期:2018-09-20

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团队面向我国国防建设和社会发展的重大需求,承担了国家科技重大专项课题(军口)、国家863计划和973计划子课题、国家自然科学基金和部省级重点项目等10余项,多个课题被评为优秀。在国际计算数学权威刊物SIAM系列期刊、Math. Comput.、Numer. Math.和中国科学等国内外学术刊物发表论文150余篇,其中被SCI收录80余篇;获教育部自然科学一等奖和湖南省自然科学一等奖各一项。与北京应用物理与计算数学研究所共同研制的并行AMG解法器已成为高性能并行计算软件平台JASMIN的默认线性解法器,综合性能优于国际上流行的同类解法器,大幅提高了一些国防应用模型问题的计算效率。团队培养博士和硕士研究生50余名,多人获全国优秀博士学位论文、数值分析Fox奖、湖南省优秀博士和硕士论文、伟德BETVLCTOR1946研究生校长特等奖等。

Research Team for "Efficient Parallel Algorithms and Solvers" of Xiangtan University

Efficient parallel computation of large-scale discrete systems of partial differential equations is a hot topic and bottleneck problem in the field of scientific engineering computing. Our group(main members: Shi Shu, Chunsheng Feng, Xiaoqiang Yue, Junxian Wang, Haiyuan Yu, Haizhuan Yuan, Jianping Zhang, Yuyue Yang, Wei Zhu, Jie Zhou) have conducted long-term research around the Algebraic Multigrid (AMG) method and the non-overlapping domain decomposition method which are two classes of popular algorithms. We took the lead in studying systematically the AMG method based on part geometry and analysis information, and is one of the most influential teams to study the AMG method.

The group has long carried out research on the major needs of national defense construction and social development, and has undertaken more than 10 projects including National Major Scientific and Technological Special Project (military), 863 and 973 sub-projects, National Natural Science Foundation and Province (or Ministry) key projects. Many projects were rated as excellent. The group has published more than 150 papers in the journals such as SIAM series, Math. Comput., Numer. Math., Science China and so on, over 80 papers of which were collected by SCI, and was awarded the first prize in Natural Science of the Ministry of education and the first prize of Natural Science in Hunan province. The parallel AMG solver which was developed by cooperating with the Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics in Beijing has become the default linear solver of high performance parallel computing software platform JASMIN, and its comprehensive performance is better than that of the similar international popular solvers. The solver greatly improves the computational efficiency of some defense application model problems. More than 50 PhDs and masters have been trained, several students among them were awarded the National Excellent Doctoral Dissertations, the Leslie Fox prize for numerical analysis, excellent doctorate and master's thesis in Hunan, and the special prize of the graduate principal of the Xiangtan University.

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