
来源:法治湖南协同创新网    日期:2018-10-26






团队负责人 高协平教授


团队骨干成员有高协平教授、肖芬教授、李勃东教授、曹春红副教授、杨万春副教授、谭平安副教授、胡凯博士、邓书华博士等近20人,与美国孟菲斯大学、乔治亚大学、新加坡南洋理工大学、中国科学院及国内企业、医院等建立了稳定的合作关系。团队学科交叉优势明显,对外交流活跃,团结协作创新。团队先后承担了国家自然科学基金、教育部重点项目、湖南省杰出青年基金等科研项目30余项;已在IEEE Trans.系列等重要期刊发表论文100余篇,获授权国家发明专利7项,获省部级以上教学科研奖励10项;团队已培养博士、硕士70多名,指导学生获湖南省优秀博(硕)士学位论文奖5项。


The Intelligent Information Processing research group is affiliated to the Key Laboratory of Intelligent Computing and Information Processing of Ministry of Education of China. The group takes multi-scale analysis and machine learning as the main research tools, and provides efficient algorithms or key technologies for complex problems and big data processing as the main research objectives. Research interests of the group include but are not limited to: multi-dimensional high efficiency filter construction, video and image analysis, medical image processing, security in software defined networks, radio energy transmission, and mobile communication and its electromagnetic environment.

The group is composed of almost 20 full-time researchers, including 3 professors, 6 associate professors, 5 lecturers. The group has established stable cooperation and exchanges with the University of Memphis and University of Georgia in the United States, Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the domestic military, enterprises, and hospitals. The group is full of innovative spirit and has obvious interdisciplinary advantages and advanced equipment as well as frequent external exchanges and cooperation. The group has undertaken more than 30 scientific research projects including the National Natural Science Foundation, the Key Projects of the Ministry of Education, the National Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars of the Hunan province. The group has published over 100 papers in high-level journals such as IEEE Trans. Series, has been authorized 7 national invention patents and has also awarded more than 10 provincial and ministerial teaching and research awards. The group has graduated 6 doctoral students and more than 70 master's degree students. Among them, 5 students have won the Outstanding Doctoral/Master Degree Thesis Awards of Hunan province.

 The leader of this team Prof. Gao is the Talent of Ten Million Project of the New Century, who has been selected as the First level of “121 Talents” in the Hunan province and Special Allowance Expert of the State Council Government. He is a member of the Subject Setting and Development Committee in the Ministry of Education (MOE), the Computer Science Teaching Guidance Committee in MOE. He is a senior member of the China Computer Federation and the Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence.

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