【韶风名家论坛】Characterization of semiconductor detectors using IBIC imaging method(IBIC成像方法对半导体探测器特性表征)

题 目Characterization of semiconductor detectors using IBIC imaging method(IBIC成像方法对半导体探测器特性表征)
报告人Aneliya Karadzhinova-Ferrer 研究员
    Ruđer Bošković Institute
主持人李正 教授
时 间2018年12月7日下午2:30
地 点第二教学楼319室
  Ferrer博士于2017获得Helsinki University的博士学位,其主要研究方向是研究如何确保粒子探测器的性能稳定性,目前是Ruder Boskovic Institute的研究员,是Jaakko教授课题组的青年研究员之一。与CERN CMS合作发表了近90篇物理学文章,其内容主要集中于气体和半导体粒子探测器的性能稳定性研究,包括各种材料表征技术(SEM显微镜,白光干涉测量,自动光学扫描系统,化学分析和电气表征)的可靠性研究。
  英文The Ion Beam Induced Current (IBIC) technique available at the Accelerator laboratory of the Ruder Boskovic Institute is using scanning microbeam to study the properties of various semiconductor devices. The characteristics of the IBIC provide us with information of the response of the material and the coordinate of the beam impact point. The focused IBIC technique allows us to map 2D spatially resolved Charge Collection Efficiency (CCE) of different pad and pixelated detector structures with few micrometer resolution. Semiconductor devices, made of Si and CdTe, were characterized with 2 MeV proton microprobe with different bias settings to create a detailed charge collection studies. In this work we present results of IBIC scans, study the impact of anode material selection, and analyse the performance of the detectors.
  中文:Ruder Boskovic Institute加速器实验室通过现有的离子束感应电流(IBIC)技术,正在使用扫描微束来研究各种半导体器件的性能。IBIC的特性为我们提供了材料的响应信息和粒子束撞击点的坐标信息。通过IBIC技术,我们能够描绘出不同衬垫和不同像素化探测器结构的二维空间分辨率的电荷收集效率(CCE),其分辨率可达到几个微米。在不同偏压下,2MeV质子微探针对由Si和CdTe组成的半导体器件进行了表征,完成了详细的电荷收集研究。本文介绍了IBIC扫描的结果,研究了阳极材料选择的影响,并分析了探测器的性能。

上一条:【韶风名家论坛】Particle and Photon detector research at RuđerBošković Institute (RBI)(RBI的粒子光子探测器研究进展) 下一条:【韶风名家论坛】Renaissance and Merging of Organofluorine with Hypervalent Iodine(III)(有机氟和三价碘的融合与复兴)


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