【韶风名家论坛】李晓东 博士--Decomposition and Cooperative Coevolution Techniques for Large Scale Global Optimiza

主讲题目:Decomposition and Cooperative Coevolution Techniques for Large Scale Global Optimization
In this talk Xiaodong Li will provide an overview on the recent development of CC algorithms for LSGO problems, in particular those extended from the original Potter and De Jong’s CC model. One key challenge in applying CC is how to best decompose a problem in a way such that the inter-dependency between subcomponents can be kept at minimum. Another challenge is how to best allocate a fixed computational budget among different subcomponents when there is an imbalance of contributions from these subcomponents. Equally dividing the budget among these subcomponents and optimizing each through a round-robin fashion (as in the classic CC method) may not be a wise strategy, since it can waste lots of computational resource. Many more research questions still remain to be answered. In recent years, several interesting decomposition methods (or variable grouping methods) have been proposed. This talk will briefly survey these methods, and identify their strengths and weakness. The talk will also describe a contribution-based method for better allocating computation among the subcomponents.  Finally Xiaodong Li will present a newly designed variable grouping method, namely differential grouping, which outperforms those early surveyed decomposition methods.
主讲人:李晓东 博士/副教授 (澳大利亚墨尔本皇家理工大学)
  澳大利亚墨尔本皇家理工大学,信息科学与工程学院副教授,他的研究兴趣包括进化计算,神经网络,复杂的系统,多目标优化和群体智能,为IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 和International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research的副主编,同时也是IEEE CIS Task Force on Swarm Intelligence的副主席和IEEE CIS Task Force on Large Scale Global Optimization的主席。曾获得“2013 SIGEVO”最优影响力奖。
主持人:段斌 教授、博导
讲座时间:2016 年 4 月 12日(星期二) 下午4:00
欢迎广大师生参加 !


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