【韶风名家论坛】Dissecting Galaxy Ecosystems in Space and Time

2024 3

报告题目:Dissecting Galaxy Ecosystems in Space and Time

主讲人:李成 清华大学 教授

主持人:杨雪娟 教授



内容简介:Galaxies are evolving ecosystems of multiple components which interplay with each other and are distributed over a wide range of spatial scale, from sub-galactic scales up to scales of dark matter halos. Therefore, in order to have a complete picture of galaxy formation and evolution, one has to obtain observational data with multiple wavebands and different spatial resolutions to probe physical processes both internal and external to galaxies. Current integral field unit (IFU) surveys such as MaNGA are providing resolved spectroscopy for large samples of galaxies in the local Universe, allowing the stellar populations, dust attenuation and gas ionization, as well as star formation histories across the whole galaxy area to be studied with high accuracy. I will present our recent studies of the MaNGA galaxies. If time allows, I'll extend to larger scales and briefly talk about the content of atomic gas and warm gas in/around low-z galaxies out to scales of dark matter halos.




上一条:【韶风名家论坛】黏土矿物纳米结构与元素的综合利用 下一条:【韶峰大讲堂】科学研究的新范式:智能+数据


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