【韶风名家论坛】The Hot and Dynamic Galactic Center: An X-ray Perspective

2024 5

报告题目:The Hot and Dynamic Galactic Center: An X-ray Perspective

主讲人:李志远  南京大学  教授

主持人:杨雪娟  教授



内容简介:The central few hundred parsec region of our Galaxy, loosely defined as the Galactic Center, offers the best opportunity to study a wide range of physical processes and intriguing phenomena in the vicinity of a super-massive black hole (SMBH), known as Sgr A*. In this talk, I will provide a brief overview of the enigmatic Galactic Center seen through X-rays, which are the prime tracer of close binaries and diffuse hot gas. I will then introduce several recent case studies by our team, based primarily on Chandra X-ray observations and hydrodynamic simulations. These include: (1) Massive, colliding wind binaries surrunding Sgr A* and their implications on the Galactic Center metallicity, (2) Evolution of the supernova remnant closest to Sgr A* and its potential impact, and (3) Origin of the 100-parsec-long "X-ray chimney", a putative bi-polar outflow. When time permits, I will also touch on topics related to the X-ray binary populations in the Galactic Center.




上一条:【韶峰名家论坛】漫步宇宙线雨  下一条:【韶风名家论坛】大都市语言接触新方言变体研究:以伦敦为案例


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