
来源:法治湖南协同创新网    日期:2018-06-25

 第一张:团队负责人:季水河教授,国家教学名师、全国优秀教师、国家社科基金学科评审组专家 拷贝.jpg


第二张:季水河教授获省第十一届社科优秀成果一等奖证书 拷贝.jpg


放第三张:主办全国毛泽东文艺思想研究会2012年学术年会合影 拷贝.jpg






the Chinese & Foreign Culture and Literature Research Team of Xiangtan University
      The Chinese & Foreign Culture and Literature Research Team of Xiangtan University was founded on the basis of the doctoral degree program of comparative literature and world literature, including doctoral degree programs of ancient Chinese literature, theory of literature and arts. The academic leader of the team is Professor Ji Shuihe, and the backbone members include Professor Li Jianbo, He Yunbo, Lei Lei, Wang Jiequn, Song Defa and Liu Zhongwang, etc.
        Relying on such platforms as the first-level doctoral discipline of Chinese language and literature, provincial key speciality & discipline of Chinese language and literature, provincial key research base of Chinese & foreign culture and literature, provincial outstanding teaching team of Chinese & foreign literary theory and aesthetics, and national excellent courses of comparative literary, aesthetics and life, the research team mainly focuses on the studies of Chinese & foreign literary theory, literary criticism, foreign literary and translation communication, and the relationship between literature and culture.
        The team consists of 31 members, including 11 professors, 12 associate professors and 12 lecturers. 27 of them have doctor's degree and 13 of them are Ph. D tutors. It boasts a nationally prestigious teacher, national excellent teacher, expert with allowance provided by the Government of the State Council, expert of national social science foundation discipline evaluation group, provincial prestigious teacher, provincial excellent social science research expert, provincial excellent young expert in social science. 5 of them hold the post of chairman or vice chairman of national academic associations.
        Ever since the beginning of the 11th Five-Year period, the team has published 53 monographs and 578 papers, undertaken 29 national social science research programs (1 major program and 1 key program), and got 21 provincial and ministerial awards (1 second prize of outstanding achievement in the humanities and social sciences of the Ministry of Education, 2 first prize of provincial outstanding achievements in social sciences and first prize of provincial teaching achievements). The team has hosted 23 international and national academic conferences. Many talents cultivated by the team have been enrolled as master degree candidates (113) and Ph. D candidates (69) by such famous universities as Peking University, Tsinghua University, Fudan University and Renmin University of China.

上一条:伟德BETVLCTOR1946化工过程模拟与强化研究团队 下一条:伟德BETVLCTOR1946核辐射探测及其关键材料研究研究团队


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