
来源: 日期:2018-06-22

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        粒子(中子、质子、电子、x射线、γ和重离子)探测是获取瞬态核反应过程群体粒子行为特征的核辐射探测技术,为基础核物理、核聚变与核裂变反应堆反应动力学模型构建与作用机制的解释提供直接而极其重要的实验数据。伟德BETVLCTOR1946材料学院“核辐射探测及其关键材料研究”课题组,面向国家科技发展战略与国防需求,围绕核辐射探测核心科技问题,致力于粒子探测技术及抗核辐射用关键材料的研究与设计,主要包括:(1) 高灵敏度、高粒子甄别能力、高辐射损失阈值的脉冲辐射探测器及其探测系统研究;(2) 基于微纳人工微结构技术,研制高能量分辨、快衰减时间、高闪烁光界面提取效率的光学闪烁晶体材料;(3) 石墨烯和氧化石墨烯的表面功能化改性;(4)高性能耐磨耐蚀涂层技术。
        团队骨干成员由欧阳晓平院士、郭红霞研究员、陈尚达副教授、王秀锋副教授、齐福刚博士、刘应都博士、赵镍博士组成;目前,团队正在承担的项目有国家自然科学基金委项目、科技部国家重点研发计划项目子课题、中国工程院科技咨询项目、湘潭市科技局重大科技创新项目等多个课题;相关研究工作发表在Phys. Rev. C, Appl. Phys. Lett., Nucl. Instru. Meth. A, Nucl. Sci. Tech., Chin. Phys. C等刊物上。
“Nuclear Radiation Detection and research of its crucial Materials” team (NucMat)
        Particle (neutrons, protons, electrons, x-ray, gamma and heavy ions) detection as a nuclear radiation detection technique that captures the behavior of population particles during transient nuclear reactions,  provides direct and extremely important experimental data for the model construction and interpretation of interaction mechanisms of basic nuclear physics, nuclear fusion and nuclear fission reactor dynamics. The“Nuclear Radiation Detection and its related Research of crucial Materials”team(NucMat), facing the national science and technology development strategy and the needs of national defense, focusing on nuclear radiation detection core scientific and technological issues, is endeavoring to the research and design of particle detection technique and key materials for nuclear radiation resistance, that mainly include: (1) the research on pulsed radiation detectors and its detection system with high sensitivity, high particle identification ability, high radiation loss threshold; (2) based on micro-nano artificial microstructure technology, developing optical scintillation crystal materials with high energy resolution, fast decay time and high scintillation light interface extraction efficiency ;(3) surface functional modification of graphene and graphene oxide;(4) high-performance corrosion-resistant coating technology.
        The core members of the team are Prof. Xiaoping Ouyang, researcher Hongxia Guo, associate Prof. Shangda Chen, associate Prof. Xiufeng Wang, Dr. Fugang Qi, Dr. Yingdu Liu, Dr. Nie Zhao. Presently, the team is undertaking several projects such as projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China, Ministry of Science and Technology National Key R&D Program subproject, China Academy of Engineering science and technology consulting project, major scientific and technological innovation project of Xiangtan Science and Technology Bureau etc.. Related research work have been published on journals of Phys. Rev. C, App. Phys. Lett., Nucl. Instru. Meth. A, Nucl. Sci. Tech., Chin. Phys. C. etc..
        Prof. Xiaoping Ouyang who in charge of the team, is the dean of the School of Materials Science and Engineering of Xiangtan University. He is academician of China Academy of Engineering and one of the academic leaders in the field of pulsed radiation in China, he have created five types of new methods for the experimental diagnosis of pulsed radiation fields and three important new methods for the diagnosis of neutron parameters, andsuccessfully developed eighteen new nuclear radiation detectors and six advanced pulsed radiation detection systems;he has won many rewards such as the He Liang Heli Science and Technology Progress Award, National Hundred Excellent Doctoral Thesis, National Science and Technology Awards. He is an expert on the subject group of experts in the advanced energy field of the National 863 Program, the director of China Nuclear Physics Society, Vice President of China Radiation Protection Society, Vice President of China Radiation Physics Society etc..

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