
来源:伟德BETVLCTOR1946报   日期:2018-11-13








团队承担了国家863计划子课题、国家科技支撑计划项目子课题、国家能源风力发电机研发(实验)中心能力持续建设项目子课题、国家自然科学基金和省部级重点科研项目等20余项。在IEEE Trans.等重要学术期刊和会议发表论文100余篇,获发明专利授权20余项;与湘电风能、湘电新能源、江麓机电、华菱湘钢等地方大型企业长期开展产学研合作,多项成果在企业应用并取得较好经济社会效益,曾获得湖南省专利奖二等奖、湖南省科技进步三等奖、湘潭市科技进步二等奖、湘潭市产学研合作奖等多项科技奖励。


Wind Power Equipment and Power Conversion Research Team of Xiangtan University

Renewable energy application is a hot topic in the field of energy research, which also is a trend for a long time in the future. In this context, Prof. Bin Duan as a leader initiated the establishment of the Wind Power Equipment and Power Conversion Research Team of Xiangtan University, which aims to improve the efficiency of power generation and conversion equipment. The key research contents of the team include the optimization design of key components of renewable energy equipment, operation control of energy equipment, and integration optimization of energy system. The team members includeProf. Bin Duan, Prof. Lingzhi Yi, Associate Prof. Yongxin Su, Associate Prof. Mao Tan, Associate Prof. Shuaihu Li, Associate Prof. ZhiyongLan, Associate Prof. Cheng Deng, Associate Prof. HanmeiPeng, Associate Prof. Lijuan Li, Dr. Hui Li, etc.

The team has undertaken more than 20 projects including sub-project of the National 863 Program, sub-project of the National Science and Technology Support Program, sub-project of the National Energy Wind Turbine R&D Center Capacity Building Project, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and some other provincial or ministeriallevel key scientific research projects, published more than 100 papers in important academic journals and conferences such as IEEE Trans., and obtained more than 20 invention patents. The team has long-term research cooperation with industry enterprises such as Xiangdian Wind Power Co. Ltd., Xiangdian Renewable Energy Co. Ltd., Jianglu Electromechanical Co. Ltd., and Hualing XiangtanSteel &Iron Co. Ltd.. Many achievements have been applied in enterprises and achieved good economic and social benefits. In recent years,the team has won the second prize of Hunan Provincial Patent Award, the third prize of Hunan Science and Technology Progress Award, the second prize of Xiangtan Science and Technology Progress Award, and the Xiangtan Industry-University-Research Cooperation Award, etc.

Relying on the team, several scientific research and talent training platforms such as “Wind Power Equipment and Power Conversion” Hunan Provincial Collaborative Innovation Center, “Multi-energy Collaborative Control Technology” Hunan Provincial Engineering Center, “Intelligent Manufacturing and Energy Management” Hunan Provincial Graduate Training Innovation Basehave beenestablished.Stable cooperation with MIT, Liverpool University, Technical University of Berlin, Tsinghua University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology and North China Electric Power University has also been established. Professor Bin Duan, the team leader, currently serves as the chairman of the expert group for the China Engineering Education Accreditation, and a member of the Teaching Guidance Committee of Ministry of Education.Multiple team members were selected into Hunan provincial talent programs and other municipal-level or school-level talent programs. Besides that, the team was selected asa Xiangtan Industry-University-Research Integration Innovation Team.So far, 3 PhD students and nearly 100 master students have graduated from the team. Among these students, 4 won the Hunan Provincial Excellent Master's Thesis Award, 3 won the Special Prize of Xiangtan University Graduate Principal Award, and 10 won the Graduate Principal Award for Excellence.

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