
来源:法治湖南协同创新网    日期:2018-11-22







An Introduction to the Intellectual Property Team

After nearly 20 years of construction and development, the intellectual property team in Xiangtan University has become a characteristic and advantaged research group with deep theoretical accomplishment, strong practical capability, high academic level, and reasonable age structure as well as learning origin structure. This team has 13 full-time teachers, including 3 professors, 4 associate professors, and 6 lecturers. All of them have graduated with a doctor's degree from some well-known colleges and universities at home and abroad, such as Renmin University of China, Wuhan University, China University of Political Science and Law, Xiamen University, Chongqing University, and Sapienza University of Rome. Of all the team members, 7 have the experience of studying abroad at the government expense, 3 are directors of China Intellectual Property Law Research Association, 1 rates among the 100 high-level talents in the national “Millions of Intellectual Property Talent Project”, and there is 1 leading talent of intellectual property rights at home, 1 national leader in patent information, 2 experts included in the national intellectual property expert database, 2 advanced individuals in intellectual property personnel work nationwide, 1 winner of the Baogang Outstanding Teacher Award, 2 talents in national patent information teaching, and 5 talents in national patent information practice.

The team members have had more than 20 research projects approved by the National Social Science Foundation, including 2 key projects and over 10 general and youth projects. They have also undertaken 50 or more provincial and ministerial projects and published 20 monographs and more than 300 papers in authoritative newspapers and journals, including Chinese Journal of Law and Chinese Legal Science. The research of the team in the field of the basic theory of intellectual property right, intellectual property dispute resolution, the cloud computing intellectual property rights problems, data rights, patent information analysis and application is quite influential in the country.

The team has established a complete talent training system at undergraduate, postgraduate and doctorate level, and has already forged a “Xiangtan University Model for the cultivation of compound intellectual property personnel. About this model the State Intellectual Property Office has specifically submitted a document to the Central Coordinating Group on Human Resources Work and tried to promote it nationwide. The team also won the first prize and the third prize of Hunan College Teaching Achievement successively, and won the honour of National Advanced Collective of Intellectual Property Talents twice.

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