
来源:商学院 日期:2018-12-12










 Research Team of Innovative Development of Red Tourism

The research team of innovative development of red tourism in Xiangtan University currently has 36 researchers, including 13 professors, 13 associate professors, and 10 lecturers. Among them, 33 have doctoral degree, 7 are employed by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism as experts in red tourism, and 12 are appointed as experts in research on red tourism by Hunan Provincial Tourism Development Commission.

The research platforms this team relies on include China Red Tourism Innovation and Development Research Base (a research base of the Ministry of Cultural and Tourism), the Revolutionary Spirit and Cultural Resources Research Center of Chinese Communist Party (a key research base of the Ministry of Education), Mao Zedong Thought Research Center of Xiangtan University (a key research base of the Ministry of Education), and Hunan Tourism Research Base, etc. The team has long been committed to the research in the areas of red tourism and the innovation of ideological and political education, red tourism development, red tourism resources protection and utilization. And the members of this team have undertaken 13 national research projects subsidized by the National Social Science Foundation and the National Natural Science Foundation in the past 10 years. They have completed more than 20 national or provincial scientific research projects, and 24 of their research achievements won awards at the provincial and ministerial level. The team members have published over 80 high-level academic papers and have written 12 monographs. They have taken an active part in the construction of think tanks, conducted consulting services, and played a positive role in helping to solve important practical issues and in participating in major decision making. Some of their research results have been actively adopted by the General Office of the CPC Central Committee, and by the departments of Hunan Provincial Government as well as its subordinate prefectures and cities.

The research team has 8 doctoral supervisors and 33 postgraduate tutors. It is one of the earliest teams in our country to train graduate students majoring in tourism management whose research orientation is red tourism. So far, it has cultivated more than 100 postgraduates and is playing a big part in the development of China's red tourism industry.

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