
来源: 日期:2018-12-07










An Introduction to the “Yangshen Study” Team

 Yangshen (1488-1599), who styled himself as Yongxiu and Sheng’an, was born in Xindu of Sichuan Province (Now Xindu District, Sichuan). A famous poet and scholar in Ming Dynasty, he was known as the most learned individual and the greatest scholar, and was elected one of the first batch of 10 historical celebrities in Sichuan Province in 2017.

The “Yangshen Study” Team is a research team in Xiagntan University. Its chief expert is Professor and Doctor Lei Lei, who has obtained his PhD degree in Nanjing University and once worked as a postdoctoral fellow at Fudan University. Currently Lei Lei is a professor at The School of Literature and Journalism of Xiangtan University, a doctoral tutor and a leading talent in Xiangtan University. He works as the VP of The Chinese Rhythm Literature Association, and director of The Academy of China’s Ming Dynasty (to be established). He has undertaken 9 research projects above provincial and ministerial levels, including three categorical projects at the major, the general and the youth levels funded by National Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science. Till now, Lei lei has published two academic monographs, participated in the compilation of five monographs and three textbooks for higher education. Over 40 of his academic papers that have been published on Literature Review or Literature Heritage suffice it to say that he is a leading figure in the study of Yangshen in China.

“Yang Shen Study” Team conducts its research with support from the Chinese Rhyme Literature Association, the academic journal Chinese Verse, the first-level doctoral program of the Chinese Language and Literature major in Xiangtan University, and the major bidding project “The Sorting and Study of A Full Collection of Yangshen” of the National Social Science Fund and other resources and platforms. The major bidding project includes five subtopics: Poem, Lyrics, Confucian Classics, Historical Records, and Philosophical Writings. With over 30 members and teachers mainly from the social science disciplinaries of Xiangtan University, the team has widely absorbed scholars on the study of Yang Shen from Fudan University, Nanjing University, East China Normal University, Wuhan University, Zhengzhou University, Lanzhou University, and Northwest University.

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