
来源: 日期:2018-12-21










“Green Synthesis and Catalysis” research group in Xiangtan University

With the support by the College of Chemistry of Xiangtan University and the Key Laboratory of Environmentally Friendly Chemistry and Application of Ministry of Education, the “Green Synthesis and Catalysis” research team was built in 2009 by the Prof. Deng Guo-Jun. It is an energetic team of unity and cooperation based on young scientists. Currently, team members include Prof. Yang Luo, Prof. Bing Zhao, Prof. Gong Hang, Prof. Huang Huawen, Prof. Xiao Fuhong, Prof. Ji Xiaochen et al. In 2017, with “Green Synthesis and Catalysis” research team as the core, the Key Laboratory for Green Organic Synthesis and Application of Hunan Province was successfully approved.

The research mainly focuses on the development of environmentally friendly synthetic strategy and applications, specifically includes: a) selective C-C and C-X bond cleavage and formation; b) design and synthesis of bioactive molecules; and c) design and synthesis of functional optical materials. In recent years, the “Green Synthesis and Catalysis” research team won various funding includes the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), the program for Innovative Research Cultivation Team in University of Ministry of Education, the New Century Excellent Talents in University from Ministry of Education, the program for Innovative Research Cultivation Team of Hunan Natural Science Foundation. To date, this group has published more than 200 publications (more than 80 papers IF>5.0, includding 10 high-cited papers), and applied more than 30 patents (10 authorized). In 2015, its research result of “green chemistry-directed dehydrogenation and transformation of alcohols and ketones” won the second prize of Natural Science of Hunan Province.

The team leader Prof. Guojun Deng received his B.S. degree from Xiangtan University and completed his Ph.D. degree in 2004 in chemistry from Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Following this Ph.D., he conducted post-doctoral studies in Germany, USA and Canada. In 2009, he joined the college of chemistry at Xiangtan University as a full professor. His research interests lie at the development of environmentally benign methodologies for C-C and C-hetero bonds formation. He won 5 NSFC projects, the New Century Excellent Talents in University from Ministry of Education and several other programs. He has published more than 160 SCI papers, including 9 ESI highly cited papers. He has successively won the prize of Natural Science of Hunan Province (2015), the Tenth Hunan Youth Science award (2016) and the outstanding teacher award of Baosteel (2017). He is currently dean of the College of Chemistry, director of the Key Laboratory of Environmentally Friendly Chemistry and Application of Ministry of Education and director of the Key Laboratory for Green Organic Synthesis and Application of Hunan Province.

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