
来源: 日期:2018-12-26







An Introduction to the Government Performance Management Group of Xiangtan University

With the development of two decades, the Government Performance Management Group (GPMG) has scored remarkable achievements with deep theoretical literacy, high level of teaching, strong scientific research ability and reasonable structure, making it become a characteristic orientation supporting the discipline of public administration of Xiangtan University. The GPMG has 11 full-time teachers, including 3 professors, 3 associate professors, and 5 lecturers and has set up two provincial and ministerial key research bases Hunan Provincial Government Performance Evaluation Research Center and Government Performance Evaluation & Management Innovation Research Center. Besides, it also embraces 1 winning candidate of “Millions of Talent Projects”(a Chinese major plan of developing talents), 1 excellent talent of the “Four Batches Project” (a talent project in the national propaganda and cultural system), 1 outstanding person of the New Century Program of the Ministry of Education for supporting excellent talents, and 1 leading talent in the think tank, 1 outstanding social science expert and 1 young social science expert, as well as 2 experts of the “121 project” (a talent engineering project) in Hunan Province.

In the fields of the value orientation, evaluation index system, and institutional innovation of government performance management, the administration and evaluation of performance management in public services and technological innovation, as well as the construction of a service-oriented government, GPMG has created a series of research achievements that have a certain impact in China. Moreover, it has won 1 major special bidding of The National Social Science Foundation, obtained more than 10 items, including general and youth projects, 1 item of The National Natural Science Foundation, and over 70 provincial and ministerial projects successively. It has also published over 20 books like Evaluation and Research of Public Performance Management in Local Government, Evaluation and Research On Provincial Government Education Coordination Development from the Perspective of Equalization of Public Service, and over 200 research papers in the authoritative periodicals such as Social Sciences in China, Chinese Journal of Management Science, Chinese Public Administration, and Journal of Peking University(Philosophy and Social Sciences) . And there are over 20 papers have been reprinted by Xinhua Digest, China University Academic Absracts, and copying materials of National People’s Congress (NPC) Public Administration, and Journal of Management Sciences. It has won a total of five awards, they are respectively the third prize of Humanities and Social Sciences Achievements awarded by Ministry of Education , the first prize, second prize, third prize, and the special award of Philosophy and Social Science Achievements awarded by Hunan provincial government. 

GPMG has given full play to its advantages of intelligence and achievements to boost the construction of local government performance management system, and to serve the reform of administrative system and scientific decision-making in local governments. The policy adviceSeveral Policy Advices for Innovating China's County Government Management Model has been serialized on Report of Achievements which is published by National Office for Philosophy and Social Sciences. More than 10 political proposals were adopted by relevant local party committee governments. And they have achieved great social impact and management performance. Furthermore, its Co-constructed Regional Development and Governance Institute was approved as a professional think tank in Hunan Province, and two of them have been selected as the source think tanks of CTTI in Nanjing University.

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