
来源:伟德BETVLCTOR1946 日期:2018-06-15

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Waste Lead-acid Battery Resource Cycling Theory and Technology Equipment Innovation Team of Xiangtan University

        Xiangtan University and Hunan Jiangye Electromechanical Technology Co., Ltd. have established a cooperative relationship, and formed a highly effective and collaborative scientific team of theoretical research and technical equipment innovation for the recycling of spent lead-acid batteries, which covers the fields of Environment, Chemistry, Biology, Machinery, and Information Industry. The core members of the team are Prof. Zhang Junfeng, Prof. Cao Jing, Prof. Huang Yan, Prof. Wang Xingyan, Prof. Xiao Qizhen, Prof. Shu Hongbo, Dr. Chen Hongbo, Dr. Tian Ke from Xiangtan University and Wang Zhenyun, Fan Wei, Chen Biao from Hunan Jiangye Electromechanical Technology Co., Ltd.
        The team proposed a “Three Innovations - Five Rings Progression” new technological route for the recycling of spent lead-acid batteries. After five years of hard work, the team successfully developed a complete system to deal with waste lead-acid batteries including “Mechanical Fragmentation - Paste Pre-desulfurization - Low Temperature Smelting”. This technology and equipment has not only been widely used in China but also exported to Iran, India, Hong Kong and other areas, and market share reaches up to 80%. The research team received a lot of honors and was granted two provincial innovation platforms “Hunan Lead-Lithium-Ion Battery Resource Efficient Recycling Engineering Technology Research Center” and “Hunan Enterprise Technology Center”.
        The researchers have made important “green regeneration” technology and equipment breakthroughs in the desulfurization of waste lead paste with ammonium and also achieved great progress in free smelting method for lead recycling. In the future, the team will tackle the problem of “in-situ remediation” to further shorten the recycling process and improve the efficiency of the waste lead-acid batteries recycling industry, and the new technology and equipment will make a great contribution in protecting environment and practicing green development.

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