
来源:本站 日期:2018-06-19


第一张:伟德BETVLCTOR1946诉讼法团队合影 拷贝.jpg


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Xiangtan University's Procedural Law Research Team
        The Procedural Law Research Team is the mainstay of Xiangtan University Law School in its 35 years' striving process, and it opened up the first master's degree program and doctoral degree program in Hunan Province. The team now has 15 full-time research members, including 8 professors, 3 associate professors and 4 lecturers. The academic leader is Professor Liao Yong’an, vice president of Xiangtan University. The team boasts quite a few high-level talents, such as winning candidates of the National Project of Millions of Talents, the New Century Outstanding Talent Program sponsored by the Ministry of Education, a winner of National Top Ten Outstanding Young Jurist Nomination Prize, excellent experts of Hunan social sciences, most influential Legal figures in Hunan Province.
       The team members successively hosted 19 national social science research  programs sponsored by national social science foundation (including 4 major projects) and more than 80 other provincial and ministerial programs. They have published more than 500 academic articles in Qiu Shi, China Legal Science, Chinese Journal of Law and People's Daily and turned out nearly 100 academic works. It owns a national quality course and national quality resources sharing course, “Litigation Evidence Law”, a Hunan provincial excellent course, "Mock Court", and a Hunan provincial excellent graduate course "Civil Procedural Law", etc. It has won a series of high grade honors, such as the second prize of national teaching achievements, the first prize of outstanding achievements in Chinese law research, the first prize of the national law teaching materials and scientific research achievements, the excellent achievements award of the humanities and social sciences of the Ministry of Education, and the first prize of the outstanding achievements in the national procuratorial theory research. The team has successively cooperated with the legal practice departments to build the research base of the alternative dispute resolution mechanism of the Supreme People's Court, the center of China's Anti-Corruption Judicial Research (Xiangtan University base), the research base of Hunan mediation theory and the research base of Hunan procuratorial theory and so on. It has carried out fruitful talent training, scientific research and social service in the fields of alternative dispute resolution, anti-corruption by the rule of law and state supervision system reform, and has become an important think tank for the Party and national decision-making departments.

(来源:法学院 知识产权学院)

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