
来源: 日期:2018-12-07














Introduction to the Research Teamof “the Deep-Sea Mining System”

The “deep-sea mining”plays anessentialrole in implementing maritime power strategy and ensuring the security of state resources.The team has researched on “the reliability of the deep-sea mining system” for many years, by means of theoretical analysis, programming calculation, numerical simulation and experiments. Major researchers include Professor Guo Xiaogang, associate professor Deng Xuhui, associate professor Ma Wenbo, associate professor Su Jiahuag, Dr.Tang Xianqiong, Dr. Song Kui, Dr. Liu Xiu and so on.

The research team focuses on the dynamic excitement of wind flow on mining vessel, the influence of ocean current on the spatial configuration and dynamic behavior of the sub-water pipelines, vortex-induced vibration of the subwater pipelines, Mechanical properties of deep-sea sediment, the sub-watermoving characteristic of ocean mining machine, the dynamic behavior of the deep-sea mining system, the security and stability of the operation process, spatial design of the pipelines, the route planning of the mining operation, the new method and techniques of the deep-sea mining, etc.

For the last three years, the research team has participated one key research project supported byNatural Science Fund, one key project of the Twelfth Five-Year Plan and one sea test project of the 13th Five-Year Plan supported by COMRA. In the meantime, the team has hosted two National Youth Science Fund Projects, one key research and development planned project of Hunan Province and many other provincial projects. The team has also published more than 20 researched paper, obtained 7 patents and software copyrights, and developed 3 new-style experiment equipment.

The research achievements are as follows: thedynamic calculation theory, method and software of the soft pipes based the Spatial nonlinear beam theory;thetheory, method and software of single-parameter nonlinear catenary with arbitrary deflection;the spatial configuration design and the dynamic analyticalmethod of the underwater flexible pipelines;the linkage operationtheory, method and software of the deep-sea mining system.

The research team has participated in the survey and seminars of “accelerating the development technology and equipment of deep-sea mining” organized by Hunna Provincial Political Consultative Conference. A part of research results has been used in the 70 meter-deep sea experiment of the 12th Five-Year Plan project supported by COMRAand the 500-meter-deep sea experiment of the 13th Five-Year Plan project supported by COMRA. These two mining experiments, one in the East Sea in May and the other in the South Sea, both succeeded and validated the research results. 

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